Wednesday, February 18, 2009

1.) Honoring President's Day and 2.) a little about my dingbat kiddos. . .

So in honor of President's Day I decided to do an object lesson to prepare my family for our emminent socialized society.

Here is how it is going to go. . .Quinn makes the money that buys all the food.   BUT I dictate where that food belongs.  And I am probably going to spend a ton of that money Quinn makes on cool new organizational methods for our food storage.  Again, he gets no say--he just earns the money and does what I say in "stimulating the food consumption."  

So here is how the process turned out. . .

The pantry--an ode to my BFF, Tana.  "Everything has a designated place and when that place is full--no more."  Thanks T.
Here is the fridge.  I was also going to use this socialism project to also help teach Ash how to read!  HUhh!  Two birds, baby!  Cause don't think for a second that ALL the areas in the fridge and freezer aren't totally labeled (just like the pantry).
Do you think it will last?  Ya, me neither. . .but what's life without trying.  I will say that if feels great to just open up the fridge and take a gander.  And even if we do stay a democratic society (not a chance in hell) I will be ready for MTV cribs to come on over!

I was also going to post some pics of our "chore chart" for my friend, Jenn.  But it looks a bit one sided.  Aiden is usually really good about doing his daily jobs but Asher, not so much.  Ash, is content to just hang out and not worry too much about 'saving for toys.'  

So I was thinking, yet again another prep opportunity.  Aiden will continue doing his jobs and earning his fat allowance and Ash will just hang out, earning nada.  But when it comes time for the Target toy run and just tell Aiden he has to give Ash a big ole' chunk of his allowance.  Perfect! Aiden will learn the genius behind "spreading it around" and Ash will learn the lack of necessity of having a work ethic.  My kids are going to be so prepared for adulthood in this country!
Okay, a bit about my little dingbat kiddos. .. 

Here is little Ava in her wife beater. . . and shoes, of course!  This little peanut insists on putting on shoes, any shoe, any time.

And the two hoodlums playing Superman with a stool and a blanket.  Notice Ashers' sweet outfit--Spiderman swimsuit (size 2) and an orange hoodie.  We went to the pool on Monday night for FHE and I'm pretty sure my kids were the best dressed!  Miss Ava did not even have a suit.  Yep, just sporting the BLUE swim diaper--it pretty much sucks being the third child.  Good thing there were no photos taken at the pool.

And the little fashionista again in her drool soaked wife beater with her sweet swim goggles!  Ya baby! 

I hope you have a ROCK STAR day!

By the way, if you are feeling a bit tired and frustrated, try a bit of sarcasm--it totally works!


Tiffany said...

Christa I hope you don't mind that I just dropped by unannounced. But I noticed a link to your blog elsewhere and had to see what your life was all about. I just read this post and now I'm going to PEE MY PANTS! You are hilarious! I love this! OK, that's all, I'll stop stalking!

Frank and Alyson Paice said...

Although I do have to say that I am deeply saddened that in our socialized state- there is NO DIET COKE IN YOUR FRIDGE